PROXIMUS – The Digital AdBoard APP-on-Cloud where businesses can display Commercials, Product Promotions, Sales Offers, Text-scrolls, etc. in a programmatic way based on the defined coordinates managed centrally.
Adding value to the physical shopping experience of consumers, proximity marketing is a key factor in the retail business and the perfect way to showcase the marketing and create visibility of the products and promotions, and offer great customer experience.
World is going Digital.
Convert the display screens to programmatic display of commercials, promotions, offers, text-scrolls, etc. in a more interesting way.
And, realize the full potential of this tpuch-point for marketing and customer engagement without any complexity.
• Upload and manage on cloud, with App-on-Cloud model.
• Any size display.
• Monitor the screens anytime.
What makes you unique in your competition?
The products you sell or your customer’s experience?
With Proximus, retailers/brands would be able to reach out to customers with their location based product launches, promotions and offers with pre-defined coordinates managed by the centralized setup.
Customize messages to a specific location, time of day, or special event to improve and speed up ROI.